
Tai Chi for Mental Health
One Tai Chi Student’s Perspective
One Tai Chi Student’s Perspective
The modern approach to Mental Health considers three domains of the human being. These three domain views of mental health is called The Biopsychosocial Model.  It refers to the three domains of a person when we want to consider how to optimize the health of the whole person. The three domains are: BIO is for Biological; Psycho is for Psychological and Social refers to the interaction with others and the sociocultural environment.
Tai Chi - the Martial Art
Tai Chi Push Hands
Tai Chi Push Hands
Push hands training and tai chi forms practice go hand in hand. Using this combination of practice allows us to progress at the most optimal pace in our learning. One type of tai chi practice is not better than the other type. In fact, forms based tai chi practice and push hands are the ideal complements in learning tai chi.